
How To Repair A Gouge In A Wood Floor

Gouge repairs and scratch prevention tips for hardwood floors

A hardwood floor is a cute addition to any dwelling house. It's easy to clean, strong and durable, and doesn't become out of mode every bit a patterned carpet does. A hardwood floor will last for years, even decades – it actually is possible to proceed hardwood and laminate floors looking like new. Still, no affair how well you protect information technology, over time information technology will go scratched or gouged: information technology'south unlikely that you'll never move furniture across a hardwood floor, or that your children keep all their toys off the floor.

In this post, I'll prove you how to remove scratches from hardwood floors, and I'll requite y'all my top five tips to keep hardwood floors scratch costless.

Four types of scratches on hardwood floors and how to remove them

There are four types of scratches that your hardwood floor may suffer. These range from a scrape to a deep gouge. How you remove them is a little different in each case.

i.    To remove a scrape

A small scrape tin can be removed by using a little paste wax, and rubbing it gently forth and cross the management of the scrape. When the wax has dried, wipe off the excess with a clean, soft cloth and buff to a shine.

2.    To remove a shallow scratch

A touch-up pen matching the color of your hardwood floor is what is required to remove a shallow scratch. Yous may fifty-fifty find that shoe shine of the same color will do the job. Fill the scratch and wipe off the excess before it dries.

3.    To set a deep scratch

A deep scratch or shallow gouge is a little more than difficult to conceal. For this yous'll need a wax filer stick in a matching color. Rub into the gouge until it is filled, before using a clean, soft cloth to vitrify away any excess. The scratch should disappear.

4.    To repair a deep gouge

To repair a deep gouge in a hardwood flooring – the sort of damage that might be caused when moving a heavy refrigerator in the kitchen – you'll need to visit your local hardware store and purchase some colored wood putty. Use a putty pocketknife to push the putty into the gouge, so that it is well packed and slightly raised from the surrounding wood. When information technology has dried, sand flush to the surrounding wood floor and varnish the repair.

5 tips to forestall gouges in a hardwood floor

As you lot can encounter, removing scratches from hardwood floor is not a difficult chore. But information technology would exist better to preclude scratches before they happen. These tips volition help you keep your hardwood floor in perfect condition from the 24-hour interval it is first laid:

  1. Place doormats next to all exterior doors. This will stop people bringing in dirt and grit from the outside (the number one cause of shallow scratches on hardwood floors).
  2. Ask anyone who enters the room to remove their shoes – supply slippers at the archway to the room.
  3. Sweep the flooring regularly with a soft brush to remove dirt and dust.
  4. Never slide furniture across a wooden floor without outset placing carpeting or pads underneath the furniture (this will make it easier to slide, as well).
  5. Continue pets' nails trimmed, and don't permit larger dogs into the room.

If yous have gouges in a wooden floor that cannot exist removed, contact Porter'south. Our professional restoration services may be able to help return your floor to its onetime celebrity.

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